Childcare Fees & Session times:

Full Day session:     8am – 6pm

Morning Session:    8am – 1pm 
Afternoon Session: 1pm – 6pm

  • Our fees include all extra-curricular activities, meals, milk, nappies, wipes and snacks prepared by our on-site chef. (Excludes formula milk)
  • Free childcare funding does NOT include food or extra-curricular activities, which all our privately funded sessions receive. However, we are pleased to offer these services to your child at the following cost:

                                                     Morning Sessions: £5.00 Afternoon Sessions: £3.00 Additional Services: £2.00

  • We offer a 10% Sibling Discount where 2 or more of your children are registered with us and attending.

**We make every effort to be reasonable with our fees. However, we may increase our fees once a year to keep the business sustainable and to offer the best care possible for your child**

Government funding available for children aged 2,3 and 4

We are pleased to offer government funded childcare for all eligible families. 

For over 3-year-old, each child will be entitled to receive either 15 or 30 hours funded childcare per week. If eligible, you will be entitled to access the 30 funded hours from the beginning of the term following your child’s 3rd birthday.

Some under 2 year-olds are also eligible to receive funding. Please visit to find out more or speak to the Nursery. 

Food Safety Information

At The Playhouse Nursery, we believe that nutritious food and drink are essential for children’s wellbeing. The Playhouse Nursery is committed to ensuring that safe and healthy practises around the storage, preparation and service of food are maintained throughout the setting.

The setting has set high standards of personal hygiene for all members of staff involved in the handling and preparation of food. Any person showing signs of ill health will not be permitted to handle food.

During meal and snack times, we will always encourage children to gain an understanding of how food and water is an essential part of growing big and strong. Our aim is to meet the dietary and religious requirements to promote children’s healthy growth and development.

We will ensure that all meals and snacks are nutritious, healthy and balanced. Children’s medical and personal dietary requirements are always known and respected. There is a dietary requirement form displayed on the notice board in every room. Parents/carers are required to provide details when their child is enrolled into the nursery. Dietary rules of religious groups, vegetarians/vegans are known and met in an appropriate way, making sure that they are always respected and valued within the setting. Our menu is carefully planned to ensure that children are nurtured with home-cooked food and nutritionally balanced diet. 

For more information, please refer to our Food Safety Policy located in the reception area in the Policy & Procedures' folder.

Food Menu

Parent Notice: Our nursery menu rotates on a 3 week cycle. Our menu is nut free and we do not serve pork.

Hydration: Fresh water available and accessible throughout the day.

Milk, fresh fruit, vegetables and snacks are provided at break times.

Please see our weekly menu below which is subject to change daily according to available seasonal ingredients and availability from our suppliers.


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