INFORMATION FOR PARENTS - Free & Fun activities for children

As the cost-of-living crisis starts to take hold, many families will be wondering how they can offer their children low- or no-cost play opportunities in the home this winter.

A key message to share is that it’s not what you have, it’s what you do. The simplest of activities, with little or no cost attached to them, can become magical moments when they are shared with children. Often, the key ingredient is our time. Children thrive when we as adults show them that they are worth our time and that we value and want to be a part of their world of play.

Our time is the greatest gift we can give our children. That doesn’t mean going on expensive trips out – it could just be playing a family game, going for a walk, jumping in puddles or reading a book together.

As parents and carers, spending time with our children brings so many benefits, including:

• Building our children’s self esteem

• Strengthening family bonds

• Encouraging communication

• Teaching children how to interact with others socially

• Developing children’s interests

By NEWSLETTERS 19 Sep, 2024
By PH361098 04 Sep, 2024
Important Dates
04 Sep, 2024
We want your child to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents. We also want parents to feel welcome and involved from the beginning. We understand that choosing a nursery is one of the first important milestones in your child’s life and we are here to support you on this exciting journey. We are always eager to provide a happy, smooth and memorable transition into nursery for every child when they start with us. Your child's key person will work together in partnership with you so that your journey with The Playhouse Nursery is positive from the start. During your settling in sessions, we aim to understand everything about your child such as their current routine, how they like to be comforted, if they have a special comforter, a favourite story or activity they enjoy. Throughout your child’s time at nursery, their key person will always take into account their needs and interests and provide activities that promote learning through play. After the initial visit, we encourage you to talk to your child about coming to the setting. Your child will have a peg where they can hang their coats and belongings, and this will make them feel they have a place at the nursery. A photo of themselves on the wall above their coats will make them feel valued. Children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious and unhappy. Our settling in procedures aim to help parents and children feel comfortable in the nursery, and help to ensure that the child has the opportunity to benefit from their time at nursery, confident in the knowledge that their parents will return to collect them at the end of the session. We aim to ensure your child’s introduction to our setting is as stress free as possible. Children develop in individual ways and at varying rates and that is why at The Playhouse Nursery we offer a settling in procedure that is flexible to meet those needs. Therefore the nature and personality of the child will dictate how many settling sessions are needed.
By PH361098 04 Sep, 2024
Attending nursery may bring:
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How to order Nursery Uniform
By PH361098 04 Sep, 2024
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A day at The Playhouse Nursery
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INFORMATION FOR PARENTS - Free & Fun activities for children
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